Heera Tamarind 1 Litre
Sour up any situation with Heera Tamarind! This zingy 1 Liter bottle packs a punch, and is sure to add a little delicious zest to your day. Spice up your kitchen by adding Heera Tamarind and making all your meals go from 0 to 100 real quick. (Real tamarind, real taste!)
Ingredients: The main ingredient in Heera Tamarind 1 Litre is tamarind pulp.
Nutritional Values: Tamarind is low in calories and contains vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.
Allergen Information: Tamarind is generally not known to cause allergies, but it's essential to check the product label for any allergen warnings or information specific to the Heera Tamarind 1 Litre product.